- Resolution Calling for Establishment of Fair Trade Rules on International Trade of Fish and Fishery Products in Cebu, Philippines in 2002
- ICFO Resolution Calling for Establishment of Fair Trade Rules on
- International Trade of Fish and Fishery Products
- We participants in the ICFO plenary meeting held at Waterfront Hotel in Cebu City, Philippines on 23 October, 2002,
- Recognizing the important roles and functions we have as national level fisheries cooperative organizations for safeguarding the interest of our respective member organizations and their member fishers,
- Fully aware of the necessity that we have to comply with various national, regional and international rules and regulations including those of international trade,
- Acknowledging that there is necessity to ensure establishment of fair international trade rules of fish and fishery products at WTO so as not to prejudice one over the other,
- Resolved as follows:
- 1. International trade rules of fish and fishery products that does not run counter to resource management and conservation
- measures should be established;
- 2. In view of the fact that there are fisheries subsidies that contribute to decommissioning of fishing vessels, monitoring, control,
- surveillance, surveys and research, stocking of resources, fisheries management, maintenance of local fishing communities, and so forth, WTO rules on fisheries subsidies should be established after duly consulting with FAO, OECD and other competent international agencies which have expertise knowledge on the subject;
- 3. In drawing up trade rules, WTO should insert sentences that should ensure viability and multi-functionality of local fishing
- communities and livelihood of fishers; and
- 4. Each member of ICFO pays due consideration to ensuring safety of fish and fishery products, and makes efforts to boost the
- domestic consumption, with the nutrient characteristics thereof in mind.
- 23 October, 2002
- in Cebu City, Philippines
- International Cooperative Fisheries Organization