• The 3rd KNFC International Fisheries Symposium
  • ICFO and KNFC(Korea National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives) jointly the 3rd International Fisheries Symposium with a theme ; To Make Fisheries an Industry for Future, a Renaissance for Fisheries.
  • A great scholar and experts in fisheries - Brian Fagan, a renowned archeologist, and Lahsen Ababouch, FAO director, ect., made presentations on various topics. And many eminent persons from various circles participated the symposium ; Lee Jong-koo, ICFO chairman, Yoon Jin-sook, minister of oceans and fisheries, etc.
  • Especially 70 students specialized in fisheries attended the symposium and had a chance to share the vision and new paradigms of fisheries.
  • The keynote speaker, Brian Fagan, strongly stated the importance of fisheries mentioning that 2.6 billion people can not live without seafood around the world.
  • He assessed the importance of fisheries in the human history rather than industrial values. It is known well that seafood is essential to the development of human brains contributing to civilization of humanity.
  • The theme of keynote speech - Fisheries and Humanity - was decided to emphasize these values of fisheries.
  • In addition, 2 more sessions and special speech from vice minister of oceans and fisheries were followed.
  • After the symposium, ICA representatives and symposium speakers paid a visit of inspection of Bangudae Petroglyphs and Gyeongju fisheries cooperative.